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FarSounder Inc.


FarSounder Inc.

far sounder sonar

FarSounder Inc. specializes in the development and manufacturing of a patented 3D forward

looking sonar technology that reliably detects in-water obstacles and shallows. Their Argos

Forward Looking Sonars are the only products capable of generating a true, 3D image ahead of

a vessel at navigationally significant ranges with each ping of the sonar. Though Argos sonars’

core value proposition is looking forward, they also have the ability to build a map of every

where the vessel goes called Local History Mapping™ (LHM™).


By default, each vessel’s Local History Map lives onboard on the FarSounder bridge computer.

FarSounder systems also have the ability to share this data across the fleet expanding access

to this data. Program participants are able to backup their LHM data to FarSounder’s cloud

service, and anonymously share their LHM data with other FarSounder customers. In turn, they

receive a tide corrected, aggregate map built from the fleet of LHM contributions.


Additionally, from FarSounder’s cloud service, contributions will also be shared with the global

community via the IHO’s crowd sourced bathymetry database and Seabed 2030. To learn more

about how FarSounder data contributions are shared with the global community, please visit our

tech blog here.

Contact info

If you have any question, do no hesitate to contact us.